
Blog Hop--Wedding style!

I love weddings! I really loved our wedding. We got married on July 19, 2008--can't believe it was just about 2 years ago! Welcome to our wedding:)
I got my hair and my makeup did. Jack was excited that he would not be an illegitimate chihuahua after his mama and daddy got hitched!
sigh. my dress. my dress that I still love.
me & my girls on the front lawn where we got married...I still love all the colors!
we're MARRIED! holla!
We got married on the front lawn of this historic home in Roswell, Ga. The reception was inside...where the AC was flowin'! Perfect setting for a southern summer wedding:)
Ben's yummy cake...Go Braves! It was strawberry and chocolate cake.
My cake...sad to say I really don't remember eating my cake. But it looked pretty!
pink, green, and a little bling.
we danced all. night. long. I even did a little Soulja Boy! gotta have my rap!
...and we were off to Hotlanta for a few hours before we left for Jamaica! Can I go back and get married again? It was so fun!!


Jennifer said...

How beautiful! I would have been doin the Soulja Boy with you!!! :)

Jen Watts said...

beautiful wedding!

Miranda said...

Your wedding looks a lot like mine--very Southern! Go Dawgs!

Love your dress!

Julie said...

Love where you got married and our e-rings are very similar!

Barbara said...

beautiful! Your dress is gorgeous too!

Laura said...

Wow, your dress was gorgeous!! :)

Suzanne said...

Oh I love your dress! Those big poofy ones with the gathers were still expensive-designers-only when I got married or I would have had the hugest most gathered one ever. What a gorgeous bride you were!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! & I LOVE your hair. LOVE. I wish I had done mine more like that. Looks like a wonderful day.

Katie said...

I wish I could have gone to your wedding! You dress was totally gorg. I wouldnt expect anything less!

Ry's Mama said...

Holy wow that was a lot of bridesmaids!! Love it! I also really love that your hubs wore a suit and not a tux. Very beautiful pics.