I love the idea of this link up! I feel like there is always so much talk about the "mommy wars" but we never talk about actually encouraging one another. Being a mom is hard work & I know I probably wouldn't survive without the support/listening ears of my fellow mama friends!
The topic today is about bringing your faith to life. I became a Believer when I was 13. There have been many times that I have strayed on my walk with the Lord but as I've gotten older I have realized more and more that I'm not the one in control. I need a Savior. I am totally inadequate & have to rely on the Lord. One thing I want my boys to understand from an early age is that being a Christian is more than just going to church on Sunday mornings. It's a relationship & you have to work on it constantly...not just one day a week.
Kids learn so much through observation. I didn't really realize this until Grayson became old enough to copy things we did & things we said. I became really mindful about everything: what I said in front of him, what I watched on tv in front of him, what music we listened to in the car. We actually talked about this in our Sunday School class not too long ago & one of our teachers reminded us that "what goes in is always going to come back out." If you are filling your kids' minds with yuck, that yuck is going to come back out. If you are filling their little minds up with good things, that good stuff is going to come back out. I've been really mindful as Grayson has gotten older to be more open about my faith in front of him. If something is on my heart, we have prayed about it together; even if it is in the middle of playtime on the floor. Our walks on the neighborhood trails have become a time where we listen to my Chris Tomlin Pandora station & we sing worship songs together.
2 1/2 is a pretty challenging age. Grayson is such a talker but he still has a hard time expressing himself. I always wonder when we are reading his little toddler bible before bed how much he actually understands. I think the times he gets it the most are when we use teachable moments. (WOW. buzz word! That totally brought the 1st grade teacher back out in me!) I remember a few weeks ago when G was acting like he was afraid of the dark before bed. He has a night light in his room but he still told me it was dark & he was scared. I told him that he doesn't need to be afraid because God is always nearby & he just needs to talk to Him if he is ever scared. Those are the moments that he really listens.
This topic is one that honestly makes me nervous. I just want so badly for my boys to know Jesus & to live a life that brings honor to the Lord. I'm always afraid that I'm not doing enough to plant those seeds in their little minds.
What are some ways you bring your faith to life as a mom?Make sure you go check out Erin, Jennifer, Kelly, and Courtney's blogs today! Thanks for the link up, ladies!
Kids learn so much through observation. I didn't really realize this until Grayson became old enough to copy things we did & things we said. I became really mindful about everything: what I said in front of him, what I watched on tv in front of him, what music we listened to in the car. We actually talked about this in our Sunday School class not too long ago & one of our teachers reminded us that "what goes in is always going to come back out." If you are filling your kids' minds with yuck, that yuck is going to come back out. If you are filling their little minds up with good things, that good stuff is going to come back out. I've been really mindful as Grayson has gotten older to be more open about my faith in front of him. If something is on my heart, we have prayed about it together; even if it is in the middle of playtime on the floor. Our walks on the neighborhood trails have become a time where we listen to my Chris Tomlin Pandora station & we sing worship songs together.
2 1/2 is a pretty challenging age. Grayson is such a talker but he still has a hard time expressing himself. I always wonder when we are reading his little toddler bible before bed how much he actually understands. I think the times he gets it the most are when we use teachable moments. (WOW. buzz word! That totally brought the 1st grade teacher back out in me!) I remember a few weeks ago when G was acting like he was afraid of the dark before bed. He has a night light in his room but he still told me it was dark & he was scared. I told him that he doesn't need to be afraid because God is always nearby & he just needs to talk to Him if he is ever scared. Those are the moments that he really listens.
This topic is one that honestly makes me nervous. I just want so badly for my boys to know Jesus & to live a life that brings honor to the Lord. I'm always afraid that I'm not doing enough to plant those seeds in their little minds.
What are some ways you bring your faith to life as a mom?Make sure you go check out Erin, Jennifer, Kelly, and Courtney's blogs today! Thanks for the link up, ladies!
hey laura. i felt the same way - and i have truly been blown away that God gives me just the right words and just the right resources when I need them. try not to project head and give him just bite-sized truths at his age. at little ages - just "God made you" and "He wants to be your friend" can be enough. You will do GREAT! and, "that is a GREAT question for daddy!" is always a terrific response. :)
You are such a great mom, Laura! Those boys are lucky to have you as their mom!
I love this, Laura! It's amazing how much they soak in at such a young age. You are a great mama and I'm glad we're friends!
Laura, you are such a great mama and a great friend. This is such a scary topic and can seem so overwhelming. The wonderful thing is that kids "get it." It's simple. Because love seems more simple to them than it does to us. And I think if we're able to simplify it a little bit more then we can accept His grace and explain it to our kiddos more easily.
Also... how did I not realize your dog's name is Hudson? Where have I been?
Oh, Laura, I love this post so much! Kids do "get it" I am constantly in awe of the things B says in relation to Jesus and how she loves with such an unbiased pure love. It's amazing how she "gets it"
You are such a great mother!! Thank you for sharing!
Laura, I loved this post very much!! I also have two boys of my own. My oldest is almost four and I'm constantly worrying if I'm saying and doing the right things so he will "get it!" I feel the exact same way as you do about wanting my boys to have a strong relationship with Jesus and living for Him with all they have. It's been my hearts desire since becoming a mama. Thank you for this!!!
Being a mom is so overwhelming and scary. I think just loving our kids and teaching them very simply about Jesus is the best thing we can do. THank you for posting this!!!
Loved reading this! Kiddos really are sponges...and I love the thought of constantly putting good into them to see good come out.
On a different note, I'm in Nashville too :) (well, Franklin..details, details) Another local blogger and myself put together a Nashville Bloggers Girls Night Out on March 22. Here is the Facebook page for the "event" (http://www.facebook.com/events/490714147656638/) - or feel free to visit my blog or shoot me an email at acoulter11 at yahoo dot com :)
Very good points and I needed a push in that area. Because of Fenn being a late talker, I always under estimate what he hears or listens to, or understands and I need to do more teaching of Jesus at home. I did get a praise baby DVD to watch in the car and we sing those songs, but other than that, I really struggle with this.
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