I'm linking up with Erin, Kelly, Jennifer, & Courtney again for the Build 'Em Up series! Today is all about playing with your kids. I've got 2 of those, so allow me to dive right in...
I have a confession: sometimes I think it hard to play with my boys.
Let me back up. I was a 1st grade teacher until G was about 9 months old. He was in daycare full time & I thought it was so hard. I left work as soon as I could every day & couldn't wait to spend every single second before bedtime with my baby boy. I didn't get to play with him all day, every day & sometimes I think that made me appreciate that time so much more.
Now, I am a SAHM to a 2 1/2 year old and a 7 month old. I'm with my boys all the time. The play time is never ending & there are more times than I'm proud of that I'm not fully "there" while interacting. I actually already wrote about this back in January. Not fully being present was something that the Lord has really convicted me of doing. I'm a work in progress, but I have really been mindful of putting my phone away while I'm with my boys & I only use my computer when they are sleeping.
Grayson is at such a great age right now & he deserves my full attention. Guess what I have realized now? HE IS SO MUCH FUN. Okay, I already knew that. BUT? It really is so much fun to play with him & see how his little mind works. I love watching his imagination run wild. I also love how excited he gets when I sit on the floor with him & play trucks. I'm excited for the time when Griffin starts interacting more & he can really play, too.
So, basically, over the last few months I've realized that my toddler wants to play with me, not a mama who is attached to social media. I'm so thankful for that conviction I had at the beginning of this year because I am enjoying playing with my boys so much more now that I am fully engaged. It is fun!
Isn't it funny...all they really want is for us to be in the floor. I had this moment yesterday, working and being away from Easton puts a lot of guilt on me. BUt last night I decided it was going to be a together night. It was fabulous! I could tell he was SO HAPPY that we were all together! So glad you're enjoying your time home with the boys!!!!
I get ya...but I have a different side to it. I think independence is also a key value to have. Would it be horrible to show my kid he isn't the center of the world all day (oh i know with 2 this is out the window too...but hear me out). Showing that adults have other priorities isn't a bad thing...it's a life lesson.
Lets take the phone out of it because we are slowly beating ourselves up over screen time. What if I was reading a real book? Would that be a bad example to show them? My parents read the newspaper in the mornings while I played as a kid. I remember that as showing curiosity in the world around me. Over time they showed me interesting things about the paper. I learned to figure out stock prices/shares each day.
I actually have been MAKING myself "ignore" Landon sometimes. He gets so wrapped into me playing that it turns into him dictating what I am doing and causing more trouble than good. I find if I ignore him, his creativity and imagination spark and he learns new things almost more than me teaching him.
Now maybe this is because of the working parent angle. He has friends and teachers ALL DAY. I think he needs some time to himself...I know I do!
It's a weird issue but my main point is that we shouldn't be ashamed for taking time for ourselves so much. Quality over quantity maybe? Ok I'm rambling....
I know, for me, my kids behave better if I give them about an hour of good, uninterrupted play time. If I show them that I care about what they're doing and what they're saying. If I look like I don't care, that's when they start screaming and making messes just for the sake of making a mess. I agree with Brandy about the importance of independence. I love that my boys are independent. But I think they're more likely to be independent if they know they'll get some good play time with me, too. :) Hopefully that makes sense. It's all about balance. We definitely have things we need to get done, but checking twitter and instagram while I'm playing with my boys shouldn't be one of my priorities. :)
our kids really ARE fun, aren't they? I agree with all the above comments in different ways.
Thanks for linking up!
you are so right. great reminder. it is FUN! what a joy to be there for these moments.
Love this, Laura! I think there is such a need for balance. I don't want her to be attached to me in a way that she has trouble playing by herself, but I want her to know that when I'm playing with her, I'm really playing. And you are so right, it is fun and I think sometimes we get too busy to remember that. Thanks for sharing and for linking up.
Love your blog. New follower!
Stopping by from the SWW link up.
Your boys are presh!
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