I am on spring break right now...hooray! Grayson, Jack, and I ventured down to Atlanta earlier this week to spend some time with my parents. I was so worried about riding with just a baby for 3 1/2 hours but he did so great! He only cried for 15 minutes and that was at the very end. I was pretty impressed!

Grayson had a lot of visitors in Georgia! He's pretty popular...ha! One of my great friends from high school and Ole Miss, Margie, just happened to be in town from Shreveport! Small world! It had been over a year (ridiculous!) since we had seen each other and I was so happy I got to spend some time with her. By the way...does she not have the prettiest blue eyes ever???

Grayson also got to hang out with his cousins, Ashton and Collin, again! The babies were so funny at first. They were playing with each others feet and hands. I wish we were closer so they could play together more often!

Such big boys!

Grayson has 2 great grandfathers and 2 great grandmothers...lucky boy:) G got to spend time with both on Sunday. He put on quite a good show! Here he is sharing a heart to heart moment with my Papa. Love this picture!

I'm pretty sure Grayson loved all the attention he got from his Nana and Poppy while we were there. There was always someone willing to snuggle him!

These are my high school girls...minus Carly (who is in LA) and Alex (who is in Memphis). We missed them! Michelle, Lauren, and Magan came over to meet G and then we headed out for mexican and margaritas! My high school crew is pretty tight knit...even 8 years later! Love these girls!

We had a great time in Georgia but I must say it's nice to be back in our normal routine. I think Grayson was happy to spread out in his own crib last night!
i cant get over how big and just precious he is! you look amazing by the way miss thang! :)
your posts won't let me reply via email! I got those canvases at canvaspeople.com. Look out for good sales. I got both of those (18 x 24 i think) for a total off $100. One alone is normally more than that!
Haha Grayson looks like he's in Heaven with all the girls! He's definitely a ladies' man.
Can't wait to see him today!!!
We had a great time with you and that little guy! Missing him already ...
he is so stinkin' cute! i love how he loves jack! its was soooo great to see you guys. i hate that ben wasn't there too!
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