I hope everyone had a great Easter! We did! It was nice to spend it with our new sunday school class that we really like. Right now there are just 5 regular couples...but they are all newlyweds who are right around our age! The church service was great...I just love the worship music on Easter! We ate lunch, walked the dogs, cleaned the cars, gave all the pups a bath, and then lounged! I couldn't help but think about how next Easter we will have either a little girl in a smocked dress or a little boy in a seersucker onesie...:)
My poor dogs have been neglected on the blog lately. Here are my dogs-who-think-they-are-human: Ellie & Hudson. They love the patio chairs.

Just chillin...

I am attempting to be creative this week. I bought some cute scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby (my fave) and am going to make something fun for a little girl who will be here in a month. Caron...does that freak you out? Molly Cate will be here in a month!!! :)

LOOK WHO CAME BACK! My little blue bird. I missed her this fall/winter. She started fixing her nest last week and I took a peek in yesterday and saw 3 little babes-to-be. Talk about Fertile Myrtle. This bird laid 3 sets of eggs in this nest last summer!

Jack & I are off to Atlanta tomorrow to see my parents. Jack is super pumped about spending the week with his Nana and Poppy! I am attempting to use the doggy carseat again...wish me luck. Also, I had my 16 week appt with the baby doc today! Heartbeat was
exactly the same...156. I lost 4lbs...yet I had to give in and buy maternity capris today. Pregnancy does weird things to your body. She said everything looks great--we find out what little bean is in 22 days!
you totally should have said hi!
awww, the pups are adorable! And you think pregnancy does weird things to your body...just you wait! haha
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