We did something last Friday that Ben and Grayson have been waiting years for: we signed G up for summer t-ball. Grayson was born with a natural athletic ability & he has been wanting to play baseball since he started throwing a ball around at age 1. Needless to say, he was so excited.
We started out our weekend picking out all of Grayson's gear he would need.
He was so proud of his new baseball pants, cleats, glove, & a real t-ball bat. Of course we came home & immediately spent an hour practicing outside!

How cute does this little ball player look??! I mean, you can just see his excitement in that grin. I am pretty sure G thought he had won the lottery!
Grayson has been practicing almost every single day & I am having so much fun watching him. He has always loved baseball & I am excited that he is finally old enough to play on a team & do something I think he will really enjoy. Not to mention, he's pretty darn good!
I have a feeling the next 15 years of my life will be spent at the baseball field & I am perfectly okay with that!
Looks like you got a future hall-of-famer on your hands!
Adorable! Next to football, baseball is my favorite sport to watch! So much fun!
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