I am linking up with Shannon @ Life After I Dew for SWW! Yep, I think I participate enough to abbreviate.This week I am saying SO WHAT if...
- I finally finished reading The Hunger Games series and I feel like I am still coming down off a book high? That series was so good and I will now go through withdrawal. Although, I won't miss the CRAZY sci-fi/pregnancy dreams while reading.
- I have a
smallhuge crush on Adam Levine and Blake Shelton from The Voice? I love them! - I almost cried on Monday when my DVR chose to record HOARDERS over THE VOICE? I know I have talked about my fascination with this show before, but honestly? I would rather listen to great new artists (and stare and Blake and Adam) than watch a bunch of crazies cry over throwing away trash. grrrr.
- painting the walls in the downstairs of our house kinda made me fall back in love with this place? Guess I needed a change.
- I let Grayson share my Sonic strawberry limeade at the park yesterday? It was his special treat...although I think he liked the ice more than the drink.
- it is driving me crazy waiting until March 8th to see what we are having? CRAZY. I don't remember being this antsy about it last time. I thought being a mama was supposed to make me more patient? Apparently not when it comes to knowing the gender of the baby. BUT, sweet Laura reminded me last night that it is now only ONE MONTH AWAY!
- my husband thinks I'm so weird for meeting up with bbf Jen and other bloggers at Blissdom in a couple weeks? I'm not actually going to the conference, but I sure am glad it's in Nashville and that so many of my favorite online mamas will be here!!
That's all I've got, people. Go link up with Shannon!
1- I can not wait for the Hunger Games movie to come out! I MUST see it!
2- I love Blake Shelton. Adam is easy on the eyes too but Blake is more my style.
3- Diet Cherry Limeade from Sonic is one of my favorite drinks of all time. Perhaps I'll get one today!
4- Are you going to share when Baby Dos is? I HOPE SO!!! I am so eager to know.
5- I'm highly jealous of you, Jen and everyone else that gets to meet up at Blissdom. So sad I'm missing out.
You are totally allowed to abbreviate! And I would have cried if our DVR didn't record the voice too, LOVE that show and it's one of the only shows J & I agree on!
Okay first JEALOUS of your ability to get Sonic!!! In TX we had like 5 in our town...here we have ZERO! The nearest one is an HOUR away!!! Talk about depressing!!! I used to go to sonic several times a week! Having major withdrawls! I can't wait to hear what you're having as well!! I get way more antsy to hear what others are having than myself for some reason. With EC I kind of thought she was a girl...maybe that's why!
I'm super jealous you're getting to meet up with bloggy BFF! I would LOVE to meet up with some of my blog friends!!! You included!!! But everyone is so far from me :-(
and just wanted to let you know your link to Shannon's page doesn't take you to her blog :-( It took me to a weird godaddy.com website...
Ok I promise LAST comment from me! ha! I just went to her blog link from her profile and it took me to the same weird website...weird.
Mmmmmmm, Adam......
I mean...YAY, 1 month! ;)
I have a gigantic crush on Blake and Adam too! They were arguing for that rocker chick to be a part of their team and I told my husband I wish they were arguing for me...he was not excited by my comment:)
My husband doesn't get blogging and how I can possibly have "friends" at all. Oh well! I haven't read The Hunger Games ... worth it?
OMG! Reading The Hunger Games series right now (I'm in the second book, don't spoil the ending! :) hehe) --and I have stayed up late every night reading them. I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning, and I haven't even made a packing list yet--much less gotten the suitcase out or washed all the clothes I need. EEEK!
I'm so behind in my google reader - sorry for the crazy amount of comments. :)
1. LOVED the Hunger Games and did not want it to end! Are you going to see the movie in March?
2. Have you posted pictures of your new paint? I'd love to see!
3. Jealous you are meeting up with blogger friends at Blissdom!
4. Have any plans for your gender reveal? I'm thinking girl!
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