I feel like we live at the pediatrician these days. We sure do spend a lot of time there. This has definitely seemed like the sickest winter we have ever had. Grayson has an ear infection & missed school yesterday.
Cheney has had a cold for like 12 weeks now but this week her cough has gotten so bad. It's messing with her sleep and it is making her choke and throw up. fun times, right? Her first year of preschool has been a doozy on her immune system. Look at those two sickies. They both passed out this morning on their own in the bonus room. That never happens. We are SO ready for spring!
Well, we have entered into a stage that I originally dreaded. The NO NAP stage. Grayson has always been our amazing sleeper & he actually just stopped napping in the last several months. I know; pretty amazing since he is almost 5 1/2! Griffin just decided over the last week that he is "too big" for naps. It was taking longer and longer for him to fall asleep & if he slept too long, night time was not fun. So, he has stopped napping. And guess what? We are surviving! It's actually not bad! The boys entertain each other and we can do fun big kid stuff while Cheney sleeps. The best part? They go to bed early and they fall asleep fast! My boys are growing up. It makes me laugh that they both stopped napping at the same time & they are 2 years apart.
We sponsor a little boy through Compassion named Charles. He is 6 years old and lives in Togo, Africa. We got new pictures of him last month but it had been awhile since we had gotten a letter. We specifically prayed on Monday night that we would hear from him soon. I went to the mailbox yesterday & his letter was sitting on top. How cool is that?! God is in the details, my friends! Grayson was so excited. When I reminded him that we had just prayed the night before about getting a letter soon his eyes got so big. He said "God gave us this today!" It was so sweet. Grayson drew a picture of Charles and himself playing soccer & we will send it to him this week. I would LOVE for Grayson and Charles to actually meet one day.
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