We had a BUSY week & weekend! This was a big week especially for Grayson. He started spring baseball (I think this is his 5th season playing?!) with his new team AND we registered him for kindergarten!
On one hand I can't believe my first born is old enough to be going to big kid school. On the other hand, he acts like a mini-teenager and I know he's been ready for awhile! Grayson barely missed the cutoff this year and is SO EXCITED that he can finally go to kindergarten this fall. We got him all registered on Wednesday & we go to sneak a peek later this month!

Spring ball also started this week! This year Grayson gets to play with two neighbor friends, Carter & Hutson, and it is so fun! It helps that Cheney & Griffin have playmates at the games, too. Grayson is happiest playing baseball and he has such a God-given talent. I love watching him! He is on The Nationals this season & is loving every minute.
This little firecracker is almost 20 months. That is so hard for me to believe! Cheney girl is so much fun right now. She's been healthy (hallelujah!) and back to her old spunky self! This stage is great. She is talking so much more & can copy lots of things we say. She is saying short phrases: I love you, I got you, and her personal favorite...No mine! We hear that a lot. She runs so fast and climbs EVERYTHING. Literally. Cheney is super independent and wants to do everything on her own. She keeps us busy!
My parents were up here this weekend & the kids loved having them here. Cheney talked about Nana and Poppy all weekend and was not happy to say goodbye this afternoon. We played outside all day yesterday & went to church and lunch with them today. I love taking a picture of the kids on Sunday mornings because they all look so cute. We call them "candy pictures." I will let you guess why!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
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