I can't believe that Thanksgiving came & went and now it is time to start decorating for Christmas! We spent Thanksgiving this year in Atlanta with my family. It was a quick trip...we left Wednesday afternoon & had to come home on Friday morning--but it was fun while it lasted! I was worried about driving 3 1/2-4 hours with a baby...but Grayson did great! He slept the whole way there...and then slept that night!

We ate our Thanksgiving dinner at Papa & Carol's. They have a beautiful new mountain home and Carol is one of the greatest cooks you'll ever meet! Needless to say, we feasted...probably a little too much:) Grayson got to wear some "big boy" clothes & looked pretty handsome if I do say so myself!

twins? that is what everyone says...I still don't completely see it! His hair is getting dark like his daddy's though...

Having a coo-versation with his mama. Ha! I'm so clever.

Grayson loved getting to play with his Poppy & Nana!

After dinner, we headed over to see the rest of the family. I was so excited because I got to meet little Collin for the first time! He is so teeny & sweet! My cousin, Blakely, had Collin 2 months before Grayson was born. Here we are with our babies!

All the little cousins. I love this picture! Collin, Ashton, & Grayson will have so much fun playing together when they are older!

I think this is so sweet...love how Ashton has his arm around G & Grayson has his hand on Ashton!

the older cousins + new baby cousins

It was so fun seeing everyone & letting them meet and love on Grayson. We have lots to be thankful for this year! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
He is getting so big! What a cutie :-)
Cute blog! I love the bib and "Stuffed" shirt.
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