
I believe...

in trying to always find the good in people before the bad.
that dog greetings can always cheer you up.
in the power of prayer.
in the importance of spending quality time with your family.
that you can't live with regrets...you just need to learn from your mistakes.
that baby smiles and giggles are good for the soul.
that giving is better than receiving.
that God won't give you something that you can't handle.
in true love & working hard to make it last.
in always looking forward and never living in the past.
that having a child is the most rewarding job I will ever have.
in having fun nights with your girlfriends. they make your heart happy.


Jennifer said...

i love this list and completely agree! Hope you and your growing family have a perfect THanksgiving!

jeannie said...

What a wonderful post! I am proud that you are my daughter :)