Well folks, here it goes! The weekly updates of Baby May..."Lomatini" as my friends have been calling him/her. Don't worry, I know you are all dying to see "belly pics" but as of now, there is really not a belly. Now don't get me wrong, I see a small difference. You just can't see it through clothes. Maybe that will hold off for a couple more weeks? So here is what our little babe is this week: a prune. Yuck. Dislike prunes. It blows my mind that our baby is that small (1.5 inches long) and is already sprouting legs & arms! Amazing!

*Total weight gain?: No gain yet..lost about 3lbs. due to morning (or night) sickness. Think that is about over!
*How big is baby?: only an inch and a half long
*Sex: Won't know that until April! I think it is a boy.
*Sex: Won't know that until April! I think it is a boy.
*Maternity clothes: All my clothes still fit!
*Stretch marks: Nope. Just ordered my Mama Mio tummy rub cream! Other people swear by it. Also drinking lots of water...heard that helps too?
*Sleep: Sleeping just fine!
*Best moment this week: Got a REALLY cute shirt from my friends! THANKS GIRLS! It will be my belly pic shirt. I'll post a picture of it later. Also, decided to move the nursery to a different bedroom. Makes it seem real to be able to talk about a nursery!
*Movement: Our prune is just too small for movement.
*Food cravings: I crave food pregnant or not pregnant. Hard to tell the difference. Loved me some apple sauce this week, though!
*Labor signs: not for about 30 more weeks...
*Belly button in or out: in
*What I miss: eating dinner & not feeling sick afterwards...being able to take legit headache medicine! Tylenol just won't cut it.
*What I'm looking forward to: Well, we have the proof that a baby is in there! I'm now ready for the physical proof...ready for a lil bump.
*Stretch marks: Nope. Just ordered my Mama Mio tummy rub cream! Other people swear by it. Also drinking lots of water...heard that helps too?
*Sleep: Sleeping just fine!
*Best moment this week: Got a REALLY cute shirt from my friends! THANKS GIRLS! It will be my belly pic shirt. I'll post a picture of it later. Also, decided to move the nursery to a different bedroom. Makes it seem real to be able to talk about a nursery!
*Movement: Our prune is just too small for movement.
*Food cravings: I crave food pregnant or not pregnant. Hard to tell the difference. Loved me some apple sauce this week, though!
*Labor signs: not for about 30 more weeks...
*Belly button in or out: in
*What I miss: eating dinner & not feeling sick afterwards...being able to take legit headache medicine! Tylenol just won't cut it.
*What I'm looking forward to: Well, we have the proof that a baby is in there! I'm now ready for the physical proof...ready for a lil bump.
a little prune!!!!!
Love the new blog design! So pretty! The little prune will be sooooo cute!
Like the little update.......don't rush the "bump".....it will be there soon enough :)All in God's perfect timing
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