
Cheney: 2 months old

Cheney girl, you are 2 months old today!

The Stats:
Weight: 9lbs15oz (10th percentile)
Height: 22 inches (50th percentile)
Clothes: 0-3 month & 3 month clothes
Diaper: size 1
You are still exclusively nursing & it's going great! You are eating every 3 hours during the day now. I am pumping a good bit to try and build up my supply and you are getting a bottle every night before bed.  You drink between 4-5 ounces! You are a hungry, growing girl! We are always on the go & you end up eating lots of meals in the car or in random places. Thankfully you are flexible!
So far, knock on wood, you are the best sleeping May baby! Well, at least at night. We are following the Moms on Call schedule as best we can with our busy schedule and it has helped a lot. You usually wake up between 6:30-7:00 and eat. You take a good early morning nap about an hour after you wake up. This is the only nap that usually lasts at least an hour and is entirely in your Rock 'n Play.  The rest of the day we continue to follow the eat, play, sleep schedule but you aren't as good at staying in your room.  You always take a bath around 8:30, eat, & are in bed by 9:15. You've been sleeping until about 3:30 for the past several weeks! You've had a couple random nights where you have woken up twice, but you seem to be able to correct it by yourself. You even surprised us all last week by sleeping ALL NIGHT LONG! I am hoping you start doing that on your own pretty soon and we won't have to do sleep training. That would be nice! The thing that helped us SO much was putting your Rock 'n Play in your room, getting you a sound machine, & buying the miracle blanket. We didn't swaddle you for the first 4 weeks but you loved it as soon as we got the miracle blanket! You sleep so much better swaddled.
Happenings this month:
-You like the Soothie pacifier. You are dependent on it like Griffin was but you do like it when you are upset!
-You smile all the time! You have the sweetest little grin & we have even seen some dimples. You love when people talk to you & just grin when they do!
-You still don't like the car. I blame the infant carseat. If you aren't sleeping, you are crying.
-You love the play mat! You especially love looking at yourself in the mirror. That makes you smile. You also love to coo at yourself on the mat. It's pretty cute!
-You are starting to grab things on the mat.
-You are such a strong girl! You've been holding your head up really well for a long time but I just starting putting you in the bumbo and the monkey seat. You don't like the bumbo, but you seem to enjoy sitting in the monkey seat!
-You're a snuggler and still love being worn in the K'tan and Ergo.
-You love "swimming" in the tub. I take you out of the seat every night and hold you in the warm water. You kick and splash & grin so big. You love it!
Cheney, I still can't believe that I am lucky enough to be the mama of 2 boys and 1 sweet baby girl. You completed us in the best way. You fit in so perfectly! You have a great disposition and are so laid back. You let your brothers love on you all the time & they sure do appreciate that. They adore you! You are just the sweetest little thing and we love you so much. Happy 2 months, little girl!


Carol said...

What a cutie! Yay for her being a good sleeper! That's awesome!

Ashleigh said...

I cannot believe that she is already 2 months... Goodness how time has flown by! I am glad the boys love her :)

Patricia said...

She is adorable, but then we'd expect her to be after seeing her two handsome brothers! I enjoy so much your mama insights. Good job, Laura! You absolutely get it. Love you! Aunt Trisha

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