I've been a bad blogger. It's not like I've had nothing going on...in fact, life has been quite the opposite. As most teachers would probably tell you, this time of the year is our busiest. I have been kidnapped by my classroom. Seriously.

Borders, fabric, bulletin boards, anything dog-themed...

rearranging, organizing, putting names on everything...

revamping my "learning stations." ew, no. revamping my CENTERS!

my desk together...

OH! and putting the classroom door together.

These are all the things that have been on my mind...and then some. Do you ever feel so incredibly stressed that you think your head may explode? Well, folks, I'm there. Not only do I have to get my classroom ready for me, but this year I have to get my room ready for my interim. {insert the loud thumping sound of Loma's heart racing} This is where the only child in me comes out. I'm nervous leaving someone else in charge of
my room and (GASP!) my
things! I have one more day to get my room prepared for 19 new first graders and then I get to meet my new little people on Thursday! Pray I don't have a panic attack before then. :)
I'm sure you'll be fine...my sister was due the first day of her school year and she grieved that she didn't get to teach the first day. Its cute that teachers take such pride in their classroom. Yours looks great!
this so explains our lack of communication!
Cute classroom!
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