Well, somehow it is now October & I am not really sure how that happened. School is zooming by & it is almost fall break even though I feel like we just started! I am loving my new job & feel like it is the perfect fit. I love who I work with and we have 10 sweet little 3 year olds. Some people have told me that I am crazy for wanting to "get out of the house" by spending time with even more preschoolers; all I have to say is that it is completely different when they aren't your kids! I find myself enjoying our non-schools day more now. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?
Grayson is really enjoying pre-k & loves his teachers. I am not sure what all they do all day, but he is exhausted when we get home! Grayson just finished up his 4th season of baseball this week. We bumped him up to the 5/6 year old league this fall & he did great! He really does love it! He is also signed up for basketball at our YMCA this winter. He has been begging to play basketball for a year now & was so excited that he is finally old enough!
Griffin is off to a great start at school. He is enjoying his teachers & class! I see him in the hall sometimes and he cracks me up. He refuses to wave to me or say hello...he acts like an embarrassed teenager! His teachers tell me that he makes funny faces all day long. We call him our little cartoon character...he is so expressive & makes the funniest faces! We went to Franklin's Family Fun Day over the weekend at Harlinsdale Farm. As usual, our little animal obsessed boy was SO HAPPY to see all the farm animals. He loved the petting zoo & thought the tiny bantam rooster was the best. I love this age so much! He's getting more independent, but he is still so much of a little boy. 3 is hard but can be so fun.

Cheney baby is still our wild one. I used to think Griffin was the wild one.....until she was born. The past couple of weeks she has really started to talk more. She's 14 months old now & saying dada, mama, bub (for the boys), hey, yeah, & bye. She can also nod her head "yes" and "no." She seems to do the "no" nod a little more frequently. No surprise there! She has become quite the climber! She is absolutely fearless and will climb up on anything & likes to stand on her booster seat the second I turn my head. She is also going to be my first child that needs a leash. Cheney disappeared from my side last week while I was at Carter's and scared me half to death. This girl will be the one to give me gray hairs! She is the definition of sugar and spice. Cutest, sassy little thing!
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